Celebrating our 30 Year Anniversary!
We welcome people that want to volunteer! There are a few ways that you can help.
- Volunteers in the classroom help with reading and playing with the children in the classrooms and on the playground. They help get snack and lunch ready, help clean up and set up for different activities and be a positive role model for children. Suggested times to volunteer in the classrooms are 8:30-12:30 M-F or 3:00-4:30 M-F. (pick one day a week)
- The Children’s Center also welcomes volunteers to help during our fundraisers, putting together our annual fall fundraising letter and doing light office work once in a while. This not a regular commitment, but more of on an as needed basis.
*All volunteers must pass a CORI and DCF background check. If you have a little extra time, enjoy young children and are interested in helping please call- 508-432-0152.
- Volunteers in the office. We would love to speak with you if you are looking to volunteer a few hours a month for filing, mailings and light office administration work. We are flexible in terms of office hours and times for our volunteers to come in and help!
- HECH also welcomes volunteers to help during our fundraising, especially with our Annual Christmas mailings and the Bob Murray Housing with Love Walk.
- If you have an interest in and/or experience with affordable housing and are looking to sit on a Committee or Board, we would love to hear from you! Please call us at 508-432-0015, ext. 102
Our Program
The Children’s Center is open Hours M-F 7:30 to 4:30 or 8:00 to 12:00 year round. We are licensed through The Department of Early Education and Care and our staff meets and exceeds all requirements.
About Us
Over the years, we have moved and grown, but our mission has remained the same. We feel fortunate to be able to work with so many children and families. We are proud to provide a high quality preschool/childcare experience to working families for the past 30 years.
Our Gallery
Please enjoy The Children’s Center Photo Gallery that shows some of our most recent photos. Click on the images within our gallery to view and feel free to contact us if you’d like to share a photo or have questions. View now!
The Children’s Center
115 Sisson Rd, Harwich Port
Massachusetts 02646